Guided Tours in Egypt

Luxor Tour (HRG & SSH)

Luxor Tour: A Trip to Ancient Egypt!

This tour is a jaw-dropping time travel to ancient Egypt that will definitely fascinate everyone. Immersion into the ancient history of human civilization, visiting a large mesmerizing temple complex, a boat trip along the Nile, one of the longest rivers in the world, and that’s not all the features of the super eventful tour program that guarantee overwhelming emotions.

What will travelers see in Luxor? Professional tour guides will show them the legendary sights, the photos of which are printed in hundred and thousand copies and familiar not just to history lovers. Attractions include:

● Karnak which is the most famous temple complex in Luxor. It was located in ancient Thebes and was the main place of worship in the New Kingdom. The ensemble of the complex includes temples dedicated to the patron deity of Thebes Amun-Ra, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu.

● The Festival Hall of Thutmose III (Akh-menu). It’s an ancient shrine with thirty-two square pillars and tent pole style columns. The Hall is located at the heart of the Precinct of Amun-Ra and consists of three main parts, a suite of rooms dedicated to Sokar to the south-east, a solar complex to the north-east and the festival hall itself, from which the other areas of the building can be reached.

● A famous chapel, where the remains of Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, are probably buried.

● The Temple of Ramesses II, where the frescos dedicated to the most powerful pharaoh who reigned over Egypt for 67 years and conquered Syria, Ethiopia and parts of Arabia, are preserved.

● The Temple of Ptah, which lies to the north of the main Amun-Ra temple, just within the boundary wall. The building was erected by the Pharaoh Thutmose III on the site of an earlier Middle Kingdom temple and underwent successive restorations by the Ptolemies. Inside the temple, both the architectural elements of ancient Egypt and Greek style ones have been preserved.

● The mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, which is a three-terrace monumental building, devoted to the most famous woman pharaoh and rising above the desert floor and into the cliffs.

● The Colossi of Memnon, which are two massive stone statues of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Two shorter figures are carved into the front throne alongside his legs: these are his wife Tiye and mother Mutemwiya.

The tour program also includes a visit to an alabaster factory and a boat trip along the Nile to banana plantations, the so-called Banana Island. Enjoy the trip!

Cairo (HRG & SSH)

The New Administrative Capital, Ancient Giza & a Nile Boat Trip

It’s a tour that provides travelers with a great opportunity to see a new urban community in Cairo Governorate and then have a look deep in time, visiting wonderful places where the ancient history literally comes back to life and becomes visible.

The tour itinerary includes:

● The New Administrative Capital with its modern malls and luxury villas. A business center skyscraper which is located there and expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2023, is already the tallest building in Africa.

● The Egyptian Museum which boasts a unique collection of ancient artifacts. It houses fragments of walls with bas-reliefs, stone sarcophagi and statues, jewelry and coins, mummies and papyri, illustrating the life in by-gone eras.

● A boat trip along the Nile, one of the longest rivers in the world. Tourists can admire bridges, the city skyline and riverside landscapes.

● Egypt Papyrus Museum which is the collection of both historic and modern artworks. Tourists can watch the papyrus making process and buy some pretty items as souvenirs.

● The Giza pyramid complex: it’s the country’s most popular tourist attraction which is absolutely jaw-dropping. All the nine pyramids, including the three main ones, such as the Great Pyramid (also known as the Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu), the Pyramid of Khafre (or Chephren) and the Pyramid of Menkaure (or Mykerinos), can be seen from a panoramic viewpoint.

● The Great Sphinx, which is the guardian of pyramids cut from limestone blocks. It depicts a mythical creature with the head of a human, and the body of a lion. The Great Sphinx is the most ancient monumental sculpture in human history.

● A popular store of oils and cosmetics ‘Nefertiti’, the specialists of which will tell tourists all the details about Egyptian herbs and essential oils, perfumes and cosmetics. This information is quite valuable.

Get ready for a whirlwind of emotions, there will be lots of impressions!

The Mount Sinai & St. Catherine’s Monastery (SSH)

Tour to the Mount Sinai (Mount Moses) & St. Catherine’s Monastery

This tour is an extraordinarily interesting combination of climbing Mount Sinai, also known as Mount Moses, and visiting ancient St. Catherine’s Monastery built in the 6th century AD.

Such a journey cannot be called an ordinary trip, it’s a real self-overcoming and gaining a completely new spiritual experience. It’s also a unique opportunity to see legendary biblical places with your own eyes:

● the well at which Moses met the seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of Midian. The water is used by the community of St. Catherine’s Monastery to this day;
● the Burning Bush at which Moses, who was shepherding a flock, was appointed by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Holy land.

And that's not all! Travelers will see the monks’ daily life and visit a museum with magnificent panel icons from the 6th to 13th centuries; they will have a night romantic guided bus transfer from Sharm El Sheikh and a difficult but extremely interesting hike to the top of Mount Sinai or Mount Moses along a trail of stone steps.

And the last but maybe the most important thing is watching the sunrise at the summit of the mountain. According to legend, God forgives all the sins of those who managed to see the rising sun on the mountain peak. It’s a truly unforgettable experience and overwhelming emotions which touch both heart and soul and then kept alive as precious memories

Dendera & Luxor (HRG)

Dendera & Luxor: The Places of Beauty and Power

This tour gives you a chance to feel like a time-traveler, immerse yourself in the history of civilization and feel the power of ancient places of worship and burial sites. And that’s not all!

A tour to Luxor and Dendera is an amazing adventure during which you will see:

● The Dendera Temple complex which dates back to the Ptolemaic era. The complex is really worth visiting since it boasts such attractions as an ancient Roman Christian Basilica, the temple of Hathor, a sky, joy and maternal care deity, and the Temple of the Birth of Isis which was built on a surviving Ptolemaic structure but was decorated under Augustus. The Temple of the Birth of Isis is an important place for occultists from all over the world who come there to recharge their batteries.

● The Valley of the Queens that provides you with a unique opportunity to see the place where the time has almost stopped: there are the tombs of wives and children of pharaohs which are decorated with bas-reliefs and paintings done with colored paints based on lazurite, malachite and agate.

● The Colossi of Memnon, which are two famous stone statues of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Each statue is 18 meters in height and is about 700 tons in weight.

● The Karnak Temple Complex, which was the main place of worship in the New Kingdom. The ensemble of the complex includes temples dedicated to the so-called Theban Triad: the Sun god Amun-Ra, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu. The most instagrammable place is the Great Hypostyle Hall with 134 columns which supported the stone roof, making it the largest stone covered hall in the world.

● An alabaster factory where products from natural alabaster, basalt and onyx are made. Local craftsmen will show tourists the process of product making and provide examples to explain how to identify real and fake basalt.

● Banana Island where travelers will be able to see banana plantations with their own eyes, try fresh harvest and taste guavas and oranges. There’s also a mini zoo which is home for wolves, monkeys and a real Nile crocodile. On the way to the island tourists will see a well-known hotel, Winter Palace, where a famous detective novels writer Agatha Christie used to live for a long time.

The guided tour also includes a boat trip along the Nile, the sacred Egyptian river, and a lunch in a cafe situated on the river promenade.

Startax Adventure (SSH)

Startax Adventure: Are You Ready for Striking Contrasts?

It’s a tour fully based on contrasts. Travelers are offered to conquer the desert and sea depths in one day. If you’re ready for such interesting twists, you’ll definitely like the Startax Adventure, an unforgettable emotional experience.

Let’s see what daring tourists can count on:

● a speedy quad bike ride with clouds of sand behind you and a keffiyeh on your head;
● a slow camel ride during which you can admire the pristine beauty and grandeur of the desert;
● sandboarding − riding hot dunes that will take your breath away;
● a boat trip and scuba diving in the refreshing sea waters;
● memorable tea drinking with Bedouins when you can see the traditional way of life of the people living in the desert;
● a classic lunch on board when you can appreciate the skills of Egyptian chefs.

Taking great photos in mangrove groves, at the bottom of a canyon with patterns on basalt slopes and in the foamy sea waves add to the impressions of the day. However, it’s still impossible to describe all the experiences that you can enjoy unless you have this adventure by yourself.

Startax Voyage (HRG)

Startax Voyage: Orange Bay Island Trip & Water Fun Activities

How do you find an idea to take a photoshoot on an island surrounded by crystal clear turquoise waters of the Red Sea? Then you can go diving or snorkeling to explore coral gardens and see various species of fish living in the underwater jungle. If you’re a beach holiday fan, this tour will definitely meet all your expectations.

● Arriving at Orange Bay. Soak up the sun on a picture-perfect sandy beach by shallow turquoise waters likened to the Maldives ones. The burst of nature colors and a wooden swing make the island one of the most Instagrammable places in the country.

● Diving and snorkeling. Underwater swimming by coral reefs is a great chance to see such marine animals as sea turtles, moray eels and many fish species. Each dive is a unique experience since you never know what exactly you will see.

● Banana boat and a crazy sofa rides. Ride the waves of the Red Sea and boost positive emotions! Bright smiles and sea spray are a perfect ending of the tour.

Startax Voyage tour is an adventurous and fascinating sea trip that will make your worries float away.

The Mermaid Trip (SSH)

The Mermaid Trip: Explore the Red Sea from Different Angles

If you’re in love with the sea and want to learn about underwater life as much as possible, trying undersea swimming, you’ll certainly like the tour with a romantic name The Mermaid trip. It offers tourists to explore the underwater world with their own eyes in all sorts of ways. Let’s see what’s hidden under the blue waters!

The tour program includes:

● The so-called ‘dry diving’ which is a sea trip by a semi-submarine with panoramic windows to watch underwater plants and marine animals. The boat will pass coral reefs, so you’ll be able to see every little detail of them without getting your feet wet. While sitting comfortably in a cozy saloon, you’ll see various species of fish, and every boat trip is a unique experience since you never know what kind of fish will swim in front of the semi-submarine windows this time.

● Classic diving which is suitable even for beginners. Underwater swimming with professional instructors gets started only after a full briefing on safety rules. The diving tourists can count on overwhelming emotions thanks to the absolute tranquility and real immersion in the underwater universe.

● Snorkeling which is swimming underwater using a snorkel and flippers. It’s a great opportunity to look at coral gardens again and admire the variety of their colors, see fish and other marine animals that inhabit the bay of Ras Mohamed National Park, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List.

Lunch served during the tour will be a good chance to exchange views on the trip. And you’ll definitely have what to say because you’ll be filled with positive emotions and it’ll be impossible not to express them.

Ras Mohamed National Park (SSH)

Ras Mohamed National Park: A Great Adventure Even for Experienced Travelers

Ras Mohamed is the pride of Egypt and the heritage of all mankind. The southern part of National Park is rated among the top ten best beaches in the world for scuba diving. The total area is 480 km2, of which 345 km2 is water-covered surface, it’s one of the most beautiful places on the Red Sea coastline.

Wonders begin right at the entrance when you see the Gate of Allah, a monumental installation made of stones. If you look at it from the side of Egypt you can read the word "Allah" in Arabic, while from Israel's side you’ll see the same word in Yiddish.

Then you can expect rising waves of emotions! The tour program includes:

● Snorkeling in the style of Jacques-Yves Cousteau in an extraordinary picturesque coral reef, where you can see a capitaine fish with luminous “buttons” on its skin, toothy bottom devil fish, a frightening moray eel and even watch a dangerous barracuda in their natural habitat.

● Visiting a mangrove grove which will be a fantasy-like experience. Intertwined roots, light and shadow play, splashing waves – it looks fascinating and mysterious.

● Swimming in the Magic Lake whose waters are even more saline than the sea ones. This natural wonder is formed by the lake bed healing springs, so swimming there is as effective and health improving as taking a dip in the Dead Sea waters.

● Visiting the Shark Observatory named after the observation point of the same name. It offers stunning views of the Sinai Peninsula. A famous reef where sharks often swim to, is located there. Travelers have a unique opportunity to watch groups of the predatory fish through a special telescope.

Going to Ras Mohamed National Park, which is another national treasure of the country known for its sphinxes and pyramids, will definitely be an unforgettable adventure even for the most experienced travelers.

Mega Safari from Hurghada (HRG)

Mega Safari from Hurghada: A Whirlwind of Emotions

It’s a tour for everyone who is thirsty for intense positive emotions and new impressions. If you want to buck up and learn something new about the world and people of different cultures who live in it, this trip is meant for you!

The safari program includes:

● Meeting the Bedouins. A visit to a Bedouin village illustrated by a story about their customs, traditions and way of life.

● Visiting a Bedouin pharmacy. It’s a good opportunity to find out interesting facts about traditional (or folk) Bedouin medicine and buy things which you’ll consider the most useful.

● Jeep, buggy, quad bike and camel rides. It’s a great chance to ride with the wind and try various modes of local transport.

● Watching a folklore show. Belly dances and folk Bedouin dances are really impressive.

Moreover, you’ll be provided with dinner which will definitely seem to be especially tasty after such an eventful day.

Sharm El Sheikh City Tour (SSH)

Discover Sharm El Sheikh

If it’s your first time in Sharm El Sheikh or you didn’t have enough time to look around the city during your previous visits, then a sightseeing tour of the city is what you need.

Going by bus through the bustling streets of the famous Egyptian resort, feeling its atmosphere and visiting the most popular tourist attractions is a great course of action for tourists who want to get as much positive emotions and impressions of the trip as possible. It’s a good chance to see and visit:

● The Peace Square with its main attraction, a large and massive metal installation, in the center of which there’s a globe with eight wings pointing to different sides of the world. It reminds us about Ra, the ancient Egyptian deity of the sun.

● Al Mustafa (Peace) Mosque which was built in honor of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who served as the fourth official leader of the country from 1981 to 2011. The Mosque is a magnificent architectural structure with an elegant polygonal minaret, made in a classical Islamic manner.

● The Heavenly Cathedral which is a Coptic church opened in 2008. It combines Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant traditions. It took six years to build it and two years to paint the ceiling and walls with illustrations for stories from the Bible and the lives of the saints. The elaborate painting of the cathedral is done in a modern manner.

● A well-known and reputable store of essential oils and cosmetics ‘Nefertiti’. There you can learn more about perfume, flower essences, various cosmetic products and aroma oils, as well as buy what you like most.

● A store of oriental sweets and a pharmacy. Isn’t it interesting to look through the assortment of local goods and compare it with the one in shops near your house?

The last but not least is dinner in a fish & seafood restaurant, which is a great opportunity to learn Sharm El Sheikh culinary traditions.

Mega Safari (SSH)

Mega Safari: A Pleasure for Life Lovers

When do we feel truly alive? When we feel powerful emotions!

Mega Safari is a great way to recharge your batteries if you’re tired of your daily routine and want to spice up your life. It’s also a special pleasure for those who like thrills and spills because this tour is as exciting as the adventures of Indiana Jones.

You’re going to have a really unforgettable experience:

● feel like a speedy driver when, having tied a keffiyeh, racing on a quad bike and then taking a buggy and going on the ride;
● take a camel ride: slow ride on a ship of the desert will perfectly highlight the flood of emotions and adrenaline after a daring quad biking;
● visit a reconstructed traditional Bedouin village where you will learn about the customs of Bedouin tribes and have a cup of tea offered by hospitable locals;
● enjoy water fun activities such as parasailing – romantic kiting over the sea, and a lively banana boat ride;
● have a delicious lunch in a fish & seafood restaurant.

Don’t forget that all these activities are organized amidst spectacular scenery, including hot sand dunes, harsh ridges of Mount Sinai and the endless Red Sea.

Mega Safari tour is an eventful and memorable adventure that will surely bring joy and new emotions to you and your loved ones.

Hurghada Grand Aquarium (HRG)

Hurghada Grand Aquarium: Make a Visit to Learn More!

1 million US gallons or 3,500 m3 of sea and fresh water. It’s easily one of the continent's largest aquariums, as well as Egypt's largest and nearly the largest in the Arab world. It’s a popular tourist spot in Hurghada, a visit there will be an emotional and unforgettable experience.

In Hurghada Grand Aquarium you can see:

● Several large tropical American lizards – iguanas, toothy Nile crocodiles, tortoises, pelicans, ostriches, Egyptian geese, flamingos, and nimble monkeys. You’ll definitely not get bored in the Aquarium’s mini zoo.

● Giant moray eels of about three and a half meters long, stingrays and eagle rays, green sea turtles and other Red Sea creatures who get along well with each other.

● Nurse sharks, gray reef sharks, eagle rays, and endangered humphead wrasses also known as the Napoleon fish because of thick lips and a hump on its forehead that looks similar to the hairstyle of the famous French military commander.

● Unique fossils from the Whale Valley or Wadi Al-Hitan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The exhibition presents the original skeletons of prehistoric creatures found by archaeologists.

And that’s not all! Are you interested to learn more? Welcome to Hurghada Grand Aquarium!

The Lost Land (SSH)

The Lost Land: The Coolest Things to Do in South Sinai in One Day

It’s an adventure that you really can’t miss. It’s a whirlwind of emotions and activity that could definitely take a few days. After such an eventful trip you’ll sleep like a baby, dreaming about various things and places you’ve seen and visited during that unforgettable day.

These are not just words, it’s a fact! Judge for yourself, since the tour includes:

● a race against the wind on quad bikes and a slow camel ride;
● tasting traditional Bedouin jam in the desert and having lunch on board a boat in the open sea;
● visiting the well-known Colored Canyon and admiring the view of the mountains that look like a dog’s head, an elephant or a rhino;
● visiting a cave where the most famous leader of the Bedouin tribe of the Sinai Peninsula was born;
● a boat trip with a stop to see the shores of four countries;
● diving and snorkeling by Pharaoh's Island which is one of the most popular dive sites in Egypt.

Moreover, great photos taken during the trip will be a perfect reminder of this memorable adventure after you come back home. Be sure, there will be something to boast about!

Hurghada Dolphinarium (HRG)

Hurghada Dolphinarium: Tricks, Stunts & Applause

Do you know where the only walrus in Egypt lives? In a dolphinarium in Hurghada! This incredibly charming animal by the sweetest name of Lola does spectacular stunts. For example, it does crunches and push-ups like a professional sportsman, setting a good example of a healthy lifestyle. And be sure, that’s not all!

Moreover, the dolphinarium houses another trick-shot artist, a seal, as well as dolphins trained by an experienced professional who has been preparing such performers for 15 years. Visitors can also see some camels and donkeys, since there’s a mini zoo in the dolphinarium.

A great show in which sea animals demonstrate their talents and skills always draws enthusiastic applause. An aftershow isn’t less impressive than the performance itself: spectators have a chance to swim with dolphins and find out what their skin feels like. Isn’t it exciting?

The Red Sea Bathyscaphe Tour (SSH)

The Red Sea Bathyscaphe Tour

Ras Mohamed National Park is the pride and national heritage of Egypt. Moreover, it’s included in the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List. Visiting the nature reserve, the area of which is mostly the water-covered surface, is a great opportunity to see marvelous coral gardens, exotic fish and fantastic underwater creatures living in the seaweeds.

However, diving and snorkeling are not the only ways to see the undersea world of Ras Mohamed. A bathyscaphe tour is an attractive alternative to masks, snorkels and scuba gears to explore coral reefs and admire colorful fish.

The tour on a safe semi-submarine, the bottom of which is immersed in water to a depth of 4 meters, is perfect for families and travelers who don’t have underwater photo equipment. You can watch the Ras Mohamed underwater world and take pics of rare fish through panoramic windows. On board travelers will find:

● text support in the language of tourists;
● friendly and responsive professional team;
● spotless cleanliness and all necessary amenities;
● various soft drinks for sale;
● drinking water included in the tour price.

But the most important thing is an unforgettable experience and positive emotions! The bathyscaphe tour is a unique opportunity to see the underwater Red Sea world near Sharm El Sheikh without getting your feet wet.

El Gouna (HRG)

El Gouna: A Trip to the Resort of a Billionaire

El Gouna is quite a newly built Egyptian resort town, it’s just slightly over 30 y.o. El Gouna was built and developed by Orascom Development owned by a businessman, investor and billionaire Samih Onsi Sawiris.

There are a lot of things to see, El Gouna is called Egyptian Venice since it’s surrounded by twenty little cozy islands with bridges and canals for boat trips.

El Gouna is officially recognized as the most environmentally and socially responsible tourist destination on the Red Sea coast. It’s an expensive resort and a really interesting place to visit, a tour there will be a truly memorable and emotional experience.

On an excursion to El Gouna you’ll be able:

● to see canals and islands which abound with 5-star hotels;
● to go snorkeling by a coral reef;
● to go to the open sea on a bathyscaphe and take photos of the fascinating underwater world without any special equipment;
● to try your luck at fishing;
● to ride the Red Sea waves on a banana boat and a crazy sofa.

Delicious seafood lunch will make the tour truly complete and add to the impressions of an eventful day.

Dolphinarium (SSH)

Dolphinarium: An Antidepressant Tour

As you know, there are quite a lot of benefits of human–animal interaction. Studies suggest that interacting with animals lower stress levels and blood pressure, reduce loneliness and boost your mood.

A tour to a dolphinarium is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress because it’s impossible to watch public performances of talented sea animals without a smile. And if you manage to swim with a bottlenose dolphin, the therapeutic effect of such interaction will be multiplied!

A tour to the dolphinarium includes:

● A show with incredible dolphin stunts and tricks and an auction where you’ll be able to buy a picture painted by one of the sea animals.

● A photo with dolphins as a reminder about having a good time.

● Swimming session with bottlenose dolphins: put on a wetsuit and a life jacket, hold tight your new marine friend and dance in the water.

● Buying souvenirs, for example, cute stuffed dolphins which are so nice to cuddle with after coming back home.

Much fun and positive emotions are guaranteed!

Hurghada Museum (HRG)

Hurghada Museum: A Genuine Sense of the Past

The halls of this fascinating museum literally feature the spirit of eternity. Amazing original artifacts that survived to the present day provide a glimpse into the ages.

While visiting the Hurghada Museum you will see:

● busts of Ramesses II and his daughter, male and female mummies, and a restored chamber tomb that will make it clear for you why sarcophagi are called a kind of the most ancient nesting dolls in the world;
● bas-reliefs depicting Nile crocodiles which were an important part of ancient Egypt mythology;
● three Fayum mummy portraits which are astonishing examples of antique paintings. Such portraits are also exhibited in the Louvre, British Museum and Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City;
● ancient Roman dishes, including a very beautiful glass vase, on which a gladiator is depicted during a fight.

And that’s not all the wonderful exhibits! The Hurghada Museum really has a lot of things to have a look at. The exposition will definitely be highly appreciated by history lovers.

Pirate Boat Trip (SSH)

Pirate Boat Trip: Diving for Treasures

When you were a child, did you want to be a pirate and go to sea? If your answer is ‘yes’, it’s high time to fulfill your dream! A boat trip on a modern vessel which is a stylized pirate ship, will be a super emotional experience. It’s an adventurous tour with an eventful program which includes:

● Snorkeling by a coral reef in the Ras Mohamed bay. Treasure hunting, where treasures aren’t tarnished jewelry but alive fascinating inhabitants of the underwater world.

● Visiting Paradise Island, where travelers will have some free time and be able to take photos in a shallow area surrounded by corals in the endless warm sea.

● Pirate Lunch on board. Try shrimps and fish, a salad and a seafood soup right on the deck, enjoying the sound of waves crashing against the boards of the ship.

Before entering the port you’ll be offered a dessert of seasonal fruits. It’ll be a perfect ending to the trip full of joy and bright smiles.

Bathyscaphe & Pirate Boat Trips (HRG)

Bathyscaphe & Pirate Boat Trips: Water Fun Combo

Exploring the Red Sea on board a bathyscaphe, making a pirate boat trip, snorkeling and other activities which will make this fascinating tour truly unforgettable for its participants. The tour is a perfect choice if you want to feel overwhelming positive emotions and spend a great day out with your loved ones. Fill your holiday with joy, bright smiles, sea breeze and spray!

The tour that starts in Hurghada Marina includes:

● A bathyscaphe trip. A bathyscaphe is a semi-submarine, the bottom of which is immersed in water to a depth of 4 meters and has panoramic windows. You won’t need underwater photo equipment, since you’ll be able to take photos and make videos of the Red Sea inhabitants, right from a comfortable saloon of the bathyscaphe.

● Watching fish feeding done by a diver who’s a member of the bathyscaphe crew. It’s really fascinating!

● Snorkeling by a coral reef. People who want to try it, put on masks, flippers and life jackets and go swimming underwater with a professional instructor to see beautiful coral gardens within arm’s reach.

● A pirate boat trip. There’s an animation program that gets started on board and is continued on the picturesque Orange Bay Island.

Are you ready for adventures?

Hurghada City Tour (HRG)

Hurghada City Tour: Look at the Face of the City!

There’s no doubt that first of all travelers come to Hurghada to enjoy all kinds of beach holidays and water activities: swim in the Red Sea, go sailing, diving or fishing.

However, exploring the city isn’t less interesting and enjoyable. Discover one of the most popular cities in Egypt which has grown into a major Red Sea resort from a small fishing village.

The city-tour program includes:

● a visit to the highest point of the city to admire a great panoramic view;
● a walk along the promenade of Hurghada Marina with dozens of moored yachts and boats;
● a visit to the Coptic Church which stands out with an unusual combination of Christian and Islamic architectural elements;
● a visit to "Nefertiti", the shop of essential oils and cosmetics, and a souvenir shop "Nile Pharaohs".

Feel the atmosphere of the city and explore it to make your trip to Hurghada truly complete.

Petra (SSH)

Petra: Antique World & Multicolored Rocks

Do you know that you can add variety to your holiday in Egypt by visiting the neighboring country, Jordan? However, a trip there can hardly be called just a visit, since it’s an exciting time travel to the antique world and a great opportunity to see unique patterned and multicolored rock formations in different areas of Petra.

A tour to Petra includes:

● Visiting a great architectural masterpiece, Al-Khazneh, which is one of the most elaborate temples in Petra, carved out of a sandstone rock face. This place is widely known as the "Treasury of the Pharaoh", and scientists are still wondering whether the gold of the ancient Egyptians is really hidden there.

● Visiting the Siq Canyon which is a natural geological fault. The walls that enclose the Siq stand between 91–182 meters in height and their colors vary from honey yellow to pink. Rock art and a complex water supply system invented by the Nabataeans, a perfectly preserved royal road, paved in the times of the Roman emperor Trajan and a panorama shown in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – all these attractions are located right there.

● Visiting a massive theater which was cut into the hillside. Photos taken in front of this magnificent place are just perfect, the main thing is not to forget to take a camera out, being overwhelmed by seeing jaw-dropping sites.

● Visiting the city of Aqaba in Jordan, which is famous for its flagpole, one of the tallest free-standing flagpoles in the world. It carries the flag of the Arab Revolt that thanks to its size, can be seen from Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

So, this tour is meant for everyone who is interested in history, monuments and historic architecture and can appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the world.

Dahshur & Saqqara (HRG)
* Individual tour

Dahshur & Saqqara: Visiting Other Pyramids

* Individual tour

Do you want to see "another" Egypt with pyramids immersed in the eternity without a motley crowd of travelers, out of the most popular tourist itineraries?

If your answer is "yes", we highly recommend you find some time in your travel plan for a tour to the archaeological parks of Dahshur and Saqqara. Be sure that a trip there isn’t less interesting than an excursion to the famous Great Giza pyramids.

The program, of the tour to Dahshur and Saqqara includes visiting:

● The Bent Pyramid of the Pharaoh Sneferu and a satellite pyramid built to house the pharaoh's ka, his vital essence. Yes, ancient Egyptians built pyramids not just for their rulers but for notions as well.

● The Red (the North) Pyramid. It’s named for the color of the limestone stones, which acquire a rusty reddish hue in the rays of the setting sun.

● The pyramid of Djoser, which is the oldest preserved large stone building in the world, designed and constructed by a vizier and architect Imhotep.

● The mastaba (an ancient tomb) of Kagemni, who was a vizier of the reign of the Sixth Dynasty and a husband of Nebtynubkhet Sesheshet, the daughter of King Teti. Information about five dozen official and religious positions held by him has been preserved.

● The "Butcher's Tomb" which is the tomb of Irukaptah. He was the King of the Fifth Dynasty, whose title can be translated as "the Head of the Butchers of the Great House".

● The mysterious underground labyrinth called Serapeum, whose giant granite and basalt sarcophagi were made with the help of such unusual technologies that stonemasons who arrived from outer space involuntarily come to mind.

This impressive complex of attractions is located not far from Cairo. It’s really worth seeing with your own eyes!

Private VIP Boat Tour (HRG)

Private VIP Boat Tour & Snorkeling by the Gota Reef

What should you do when you’re sick and tired of solving serious problems and having a hectic and exhausting schedule on a daily basis? Should you take antidepressants? Yes, but we don’t mean pills.

The best antidepressant is taking quality rest and time out in a relaxed atmosphere and harmony with nature. Let’s yourself breathe out stress and tension while breathing in fresh air and the beauty of the world. The best way to do it is to go on a Private VIP Boat Tour that includes snorkeling by the picturesque reef Gota Abu Ramada.

Gota reef is one of the most popular dive sites in Hurghada, it’s a paradise-like place with stunning coral gardens. Moreover, blue butterflyfish, moray eels, the tentacled flathead also known as a crocodilefish, barracudas, eagle rays, triggerfish and other wonderful marine creatures live there.

The dive site abounds with colorful corals and various fish species. Just imagine what a diver sees in the warm waters of the Red Sea... Maybe it’s exactly what you need to recharge your batteries?